Borrow Fee Details

Customers who short stock pay a fee. This section displays daily shorted stocks and the associated borrow rates and fees. It is enabled by request.

Field Description
Account ID The account number.
Account Alias Account alias, if there is one.
Model Model, if applicable.
Currency The currency denomination of the hard to borrow fee.
Asset Class The asset class of the short stock position.
FX Rate to Base The conversion rate from asset currency to base currency.
Symbol The symbol of the short stock position.
Description The description of the short stock position.
Conid The conid of the short stock position.
Security ID The security ID of the short stock position.
Security ID Type The security ID type of the short stock position.
CUSIP The CUSIP of the short stock position.
ISIN The ISIN of the short stock position.
FIGI The FIGI of the short stock position.
Underlying Conid The underlying conid of the short stock position if applicable.
Underlying Symbol The underlying symbol of the short stock position if applicable.
Issuer The company that issued the contract. For structured products only.
Multiplier The multiplier of the contract traded.
Strike The strike price of the contract if applicable.
Expiry The expiration of the contract if applicable.
Put/Call Put or call.
Principal Adjustment Factor The IB calculated principal adjustment for Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS).
Value Date The date used to determine the non-direct hard to borrow fee.
Quantity The number of units of the short stock position.
Price The closing price of the short stock position.
Value Price x Quantity.
Borrow Fee Rate The borrow fee rate for the short stock position.
Borrow Fee (Value x Fee Rate)/360.
FromAcct The source account.
ToAcct The destination account.
Code The code abbreviation.